Sunday, October 25, 2009

Baylor Homecoming!

Will you not as a loyal student of dear old Baylor
lay aside for a few days the usual cares of life,
come back to your Alma mater,
renew former associations and friendships,
and catch the Baylor spirit again?
Samuel Palmer Brooks - 1909

This weekend Scott and I headed down to Waco for Baylor's Homecoming. It's been ten years since we graduated. We enjoyed our reunion picnic with a few of our former college chums. We also took a walk around campus to check out some of our old hangouts. It was good to see some of the new buildings on campus too.

Scott and Me

Gannon and Carey Sims, Me and Scott

Amanda (KXA Sister) and Me

Floyd Casey Stadium

Old Main

Pat Neff Hall

Two views of the New Brooks Learning Village

I also ran into sophomore year roommates Mandy and Kristi but didn't get pictures.

Sic'em Bears!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kelly's blog.

Check out Kelly's "Show Us Your Life"- Fall Decor. I'm number 136! Add your link and join the fun!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Everyone Loves Sonic!

I found this picture on Jenna's Jargon, a blog I read. I thought it was funny.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Picture Problems:(

For some reason I'm having problems posting pictures tonight. You can view pics from my trip to the BIG Orange Pumpkin Farm with Steffi and Beau at:


I hope to get pics back up on the blog soon.